Fishing report for 03/27/24

Well winter made a slight comeback this past week, with lots of rain, wind and cold temps. Fishing should recover by the weekend (fingers crossed). Multiple inches of rain, high winds and moon cycle will cause extremely dirty water and high current.
Now we have to cover the positives from before the weather. Rivers have still been hot with bass and perch. Schoolie Bass in the small creeks on soft plastics is enough to make anyone's trip. Using bloods and clams in the river have been producing bigger fish. Perch seem to be all over the rivers on bloods and shrimp.
Bass have started to push out a bit into the intercoastal, almost making it to corsons. plastics from the sod banks and bridges at night have been the ticket. Bait at 9th street during the day seems to be the constant catch with bigger fish being taken on clam.
Nothing surfside as of yet, that's going to be a few weeks out still. We look forward to the blues showing up soon. Tight Lines!